Three Wellness Benefits of Gardening - Finding Happiness in Nature

Discover our three heart-warming ideas on how getting green-fingered in your home and garden can help improve your mental and physical wellbeing this autumn.

1. The happy chemical that can be found in soil

Never underestimate the power of mother nature. Getting your hands down and dirty can in fact lead to feelings of increased happiness - and it's backed by science. There is a special bacteria that can be found in soil called Mycobacterium vaccae. Contact with the bacteria has been shown to trigger the release of a hormone called serotonin in the brain.

Serotonin, also known as the happy chemical, is believed to boost feelings of wellbeing and happiness as well as strengthening the immune system.

So why not take off those gardening gloves and get your hands in the dirt while creating a beautiful spring bulb arrangement?

2. Exercising creativity

As gardeners, and aspiring gardeners, we all know that planning your garden and watching it come to life is a rewarding and creative experience. When we engage in such activities, we often find ourselves in a state of mind where you simply lose track of time and forget about your daily worries, even momentarily.

Feeling this state of mind through create activity can actually help improve brain function, boost your confidence and reduce anxiety. So step away from those daily worries, calm your body and slowing your heart rate with a new autumn potted display or kitchen windowsill herb garden.

3. Combat feelings of loneliness with the gardening community

Whether it's being part of your favourite gardening Facebook group, the @MyGardenThisMonth hashtag challenge over on Instagram or an official community project, gardening is a great hobby shared. It provides vital support and encouragement that even the most social butterfly can benefit from.

Earlier this year, research from The Chelsea Flower Show suggested that tending to your front garden could help reduce loneliness by forcing you into conversations with neighbours and the community, providing opportunities to meet new people and celebrate curb appeal.

It's enough encouragement we need to get transforming our front door into the warmest of welcome's with eye catching, floral displays.

We hope to have inspired some ideas to get you gardening and help boost your happiness this autumn. Follow us over on Instagram @Gardenesque_uk to get even more inspiration and find out how you can join in with the @MyGardenThisMonth October hashtag challenge for your chance to win our popular Repton Queen Bench and set of Loudon pots. We look forward to seeing you there!

'To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.' - Audrey Hepburn

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